7 days of sunshine. Trip to Maui was memorable and my 7D had a pretty good workout. Lens most used: Sigma 30/1.4. Lens least used: Canon 50/1.2L. Lens I wish I had: Canon 70-200/2.8L. Surprised that I didn't use the 17-55/2.8 lens more, but I somehow felt using a prime lens resulted in a more pleasing composition. Definitely true what photographers say about using a 30mm on a 1.6 sensor though, it is pretty much the perfect walk-around lens. 50mm seemed a bit too long. So what did I learn during this trip?
1. Lens Hood = better contrast and saturation
2. CPL = awesome skies and incredible blues
3. One battery really isn't enough
4. Fast prime lenses are awesome!
Soooo... of the 1400+ pics, I would love to post all my faves but space is finite here in blog world so I'll just post a few:

Dreaming of dessert. Wanted to get her eyes and at least some of the dessert picture in focus
Sigma 30/1.4
f/1.8, 1/80, ISO 2500

I wanted a candid picture and this one is my favorite.
Sigma 30/1.4
f/2.0, 1/2500, ISO 100

Colors look great against the sand. Wanted just to center my wife as the main focus point
Sigma 30/1.4
f/2, 1/8000, ISO 100

Enjoying the beach.
Canon 17-55/2.8
55mm, f/2.8, 1/250, ISO 100

WHOAAAAA. "LOCO MOCO" This thing is a heart attack sitting on a plate. Seriously. Menu description states: "Please consult your physician before consumption".
Sigma 30/1.4
f/2.8, 1/125, ISO 320

Love the Beach. Love the depth of field. Love the single vanishing point perspective.
Sigma 30/1.4
f/1.4, 1/2500, ISO 100

I like the blurred background with the strong foreground image.
Canon 17-55/2.8
17mm, f/2.8, 1/200, ISO 100

Sigma 30/1.4
f/2.5, 1/4000, ISO 100

Dinner at Mama's Fish House. Wonderful decor and atmosphere, mediocre food. I wanted to make the table setting the main focus so I underexposed by 1 stop to make the table seem to "float"
Sigma 30/1.4
f/1.4, 1/100, ISO 640

My Wife. I enjoy the contrast between her dress and the lava rocks. Also like her natural posture as she walks down the path.
Canon 17-55/2.8
55mm, f/7.1, 1/50, ISO 100

Another dinner location: IO Cafe (or something like that). Wanted to get a feeling of "vacationing".
Sigma 30/1.4
f/1.4, 1/30, ISO 100

The last picture before leaving. Was driving to the airport when I saw this and pulled over for a quick pic. I love the rays.
Canon 17-55/2.8
50mm, f/2.8, 1/4000, ISO 125